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ABEMEL - Brazilian Association of Honey Exporters, founded on August 15, 2003, is the entity with the greatest representation of companies processing and exporting bee products in Brazil.

It works to optimize the performance of sectoral exports, facilitating access to markets and negotiations with the entire production chain.

It acts as an active member in the Sectorial Chamber of the Productive Chain of Honey and Apicultural Products, interconnecting with the public authorities.

Promote the competitive internationalization of Brazilian beekeeping and the development of the domestic market in a balanced, innovative, fair and ethical manner, providing members with strategic support for doing business and achieving solid and profitable positions in the main world markets.

National and international recognition as a sustainable sector, with an integrated production chain, economically viable, environmentally correct, socially fair and with high productivity.

Avenida 58-A, Nº600 - Jardim América (Agriculture Department)
CEP: 13506-054 - Rio Claro - SP - Brazil
Phone/Fax: +55 19 3532-4703 -